Saturday, 29 March 2008

Pink Whisper Scrap Kit Freebie By Sam

Here is another wee lil freebie for you all to play with. Hope you like it
Here is the link for you to download it
Kits are for personal use only
Any problems please feel free to email me

Sunday, 23 March 2008

Passionate Scrap Kit Freebie by Sam

Please remember all our kits are for personal use only

Passionate Taggers Freebie
Link Updated 15th April 2009

Any problems please feel free to email me HERE


Welcome To My Blog

Welcome to myer blog. Here is where you can find the links to purchase my kits for a minimum cost and where i will post freebies

I have purchased commercial licences to make my kits or I have made things from scratch

I look forward to getting creative.

Please feel free to give some feed back good or bad as it will help me in making things that people want.

Please do not share my PTU or freebie kits but feel free to direct them here to my blog

Tutorial Writers

You are more than welcome to use my kits in your tutorial all we ask is that you give us a link back. Please share our freebie kits as a whole with previews and TOUs but please do not share our PTU kits but link to our blog/shop for people to purchase the kit if they wish to

Well thats it for now I think

Have a great day everyone


